Une large gamme de produits


We carefully select and import from all over the world a wide range of species and varieties of fruits in order to complement the domestic supply and provide the consumer a diversity of fresh fruits throughout the year.


Each arrival goes through a quality control inspection carried out by an independant operator.

Health safety

We carefully follow a strict process of sanitary controls at the arrival of our fruits in Europe.

We work with independant specialized laboratories.


Every year, we make sure that each variety from each provider is selected for laboratory analysis to check that the products respect European sanitary standards.

4, Rue Rogez - 59160 Lomme  - France            Tel  : +33 3 20 20 79 00            Email : contact@pulpfruits.fr

S.A.S. au capital de 300 000€ - R.C.S. Lille - SIREN 514 275 841 - TVA intracommunautaire FR 49 514 275 841